Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Think It's Gonna Rain

It had become the "I Hope It Doesn't Rain Ride".  It was my first big road ride (as far as the number of riders goes).  I had no idea what to expect.  Plus it didn't fit in with the OMTP.  I wasn't really looking forward to it.  Big Jim had been putting the hard sell on me to sign up so when Wrecking Ball (WB) called about doing the metric route I decided to give it a try.  The thing that did it for me was the fact that Lil WB was going to go so The Kid would have some company that was close to his age.  We said that we were riding as long as it wasn't thundering while we sat in the parking log before the start.

The start came early on Saturday, like 6:30 am early.  No it wasn't thundering, in fact it was kinda cool, cloudy,and not even raining (yet).  Our little crew was all together under the starting banner, I had assumed (wrongly) that we would try to ride together.  That lasted until we got onto the road then they all disappeared into the gloomy morning, leaving The Kid and I trapped amongst what must have been 200 roadies.

"OK", I thought to myself, "just keep your cool, Big Worm said it would all thin our pretty quick".    After we had been mired in this group for at least an hour I had had enough.  It was always "SLOWING", or somebody drifting out of their line, or somebody barely able to climb the smallest hill, I was miserable.  I kept thinking how much this sucked and how much more fun I'd be having on my MTB doing the torture loop at Forest Meadows.  Turns out The Kid was thinking the same thing.

I'll admit my inexperience at group riding was what had me stuck.  I didn't know how to move up and every time I tried somebody jumped in front of me or got on my left and we slowed down again.  Finally I just moved to the left and with The Kid behind me we just started passing.  At that point I would have rather ridden in the wind than continue being boxed in with that bunch.  About the time I was closing in on the front I heard "hey David" and looked over to see WB and not too far behind him LWB.  We rode with them till we hit the second (?) sag when both the juniors said we should stop and I was thankful we did.

Of course I got in the line for the Port a Potty right behind the only guy who had to take his morning constitutional. 

We grabbed cookies, filled up water bottles, and hit the road.  Oh that was sooooo much better.  No crowds, we could go at our own pace.  I started to enjoy the ride.

We rounded the courthouse in Monticello Fl. and started back towards Lloyd before the rain started.  We all took turns on the front and listened to WB give advice, directions, and corrections.  The rain came down hard from Lloyd until right before we got back to Tallahassee. 

In the end we had a blast.  The Mexican food and a XX grande after the ride made me want to find the couch.  I'm not sure I'd do it again though (the ride I mean, I'll gladly eat Mexican and drink beer).


  1. Oh, you'll do it again. Either the easy way or the hard way...

  2. You said log instead of "lot". You should use spell check, also, next time just proof read the blog before you publish. You know the devil is in the details.

    All joking aside, you guys did great once we were on our own. You were born to pull. You were smooth as glass out front. I thought B was awesome too. One word of advice... (just kidding).
