Mr. Norman, you just finished the 66 mile gravel grinder in Gainesville Fl. called the Heartbreaker, how did you feel as the ride rolled out?
It's alright if you love meIt's alright if you don't
I'm not afraid of you running away
Honey, I get the feeling you won't
What were you thinking when the first attacked occurred?
Don't do me like thatDon't do me like that
And when they attacked again in the sand section?
Well I won't back downNo I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won't back down
When you first realized you were getting dropped what thoughts went through your head?
I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wingsComin down is the hardest thing
As they disappeared ahead of you what were you thinking?
God it's so painfulSomething that's so close
And still so far out of reach
And when you finally got to the finish?
Oh my my, oh hell yesSo Big Jim got second. How did he act?
It's good to be king and have your own wayGet a feeling of peace at the end of the day
And when your bulldog barks and your canary sings
You're out there with the winners, it's good to be king
Any last thoughts?
I don't know what I've been toldYou never slow down, you never grow old
But you finished well behind the main group
Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimesEven the losers keep a little bit of pride
They get lucky sometimes