Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Try It, You'll Like It

I don't know if you're really interested in hearing what I think about certain cycling products, seeing as how I have only a couple of years in this sport.  But bear with me here, I do feel I'm qualified to test products that have an effect on how comfortable the ride is.  You see, as you get older, you lose a little padding.  Areas that once had a layer of well, something, now seem to be, boney.  Too much information?  Think it won't happen to you?  Just wait.

Anyhoo, Todd at Higher Ground Bicycle Shop gave me a can of Dry Goods.  He also gave a can to BJS only he got the menthol variety, more on that later.  This stuff is supposed to be used in places where you would normally use Chamois Butter or some other anti chafing product.  It is an aerosol and the original formula looks, feels, and smells like foot powder.  You spray it everywhere, yes, everywhere.

I was a little skeptical when I first went to apply it.   I considered the fact that Todd might be playing a trick.  So I tested it on my arm.  No ill effects, so I applied it to the areas it was meant to be applied to. 

At first it is COLD.  It quickly dries to a white powder.  It has a pleasant scent, not too strong.  But the best thing about it is it works!  I've used it for two 10 hour riding weeks (I know, 10 hours is a lot less than you ride), which included a 3 hour road ride in 85 degree weather, and have been pleasantly surprised.  On longer rides I might use a chamois cream along with the Dry Goods but for every day use it works just fine by itself.

I figured BJS would love this stuff, so when I went to tell him about it I was surprised to find out that Todd had given him a can to try.  BJS didn't like it at all and gave the can to me since I was so fired up about it.  Turns out he was using the menthol formula.  How bad could it be?  Before my next ride I tested a spot on my arm, cold at first, a stronger odor, but after it dried it felt just like the original formula.  "BJS is just being picky" I thought.  So I applied it to the areas it was meant to be applied to.

Oh my goodness!  It felt like I had dipped myself in a bucket of ice water.  I figured it would go away once it dried.  Nope, it lasted for a good 45 minutes.  I thought something was wrong!  BJS never mentioned anything about this when he handed me the can.  Was he just being sly?  Or was he ashamed to say he might be a little (no pun intended) sensitive in certain areas?

I have no idea what the product will cost.  It is not as messy as creams to apply.  The can is still over half full and I've used it every day.  It works on feet and anyplace else you might chafe.  It washes out without leaving any trace.  I cannot recommend the menthol formula, maybe it was just me, but the discomfort wasn't worth it.  So if you even care, I do recommend the original formula, good stuff.

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