Friday, November 15, 2013

Spinning My Wheels

The CX track at the power lines close to Higher Ground has been mowed.  We call this Gator's for some unknown reason.  I was allowed to participate in this years layout.   Granted the cat 1,2's had already decided where it would go but they at least they allowed me to have the illusion I had some input.  I love laying out trail.

That was last weekend and I didn't get the opportunity to ride it on my CX bike, so I was pumped all day Wednesday; looking forward to doing some efforts on the new design. 


So, as I was about to leave the office on that cold and windy day, the fire pager on my belt went off.  I almost turned it off before hearing what the call was, I really wanted to ride.  Before I could react they toned again and called for a shed fire, located right across the road from my office.  I just couldn't not go.

Well the shed fire evolved into a brush fire.  Which caught another trash pile on fire, which burned onto a dock by a lake.  Which required us to lay 200' of hose, which we then had to roll up when the fire was out.  As soon as everything was under control I headed for the house to pick up the bike.

"I can still get in an hour before the sun goes down" I thought as I rolled onto I-10.  That's when I saw brake lights start to go on in front of me.  I was headed east bound and there was a wreck in the west bound lane.  Highway patrol and EMS were already there so it had been a while since it had happened. 

Please allow me to request a favor.  If the wreck is not blocking your lane, and in fact will not impede your travel, just slow down and keep moving.  DON'T STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSTATE WITH YOUR FACE GLUED TO THE WINDOW AND TALK ON THE CELL PHONE!  All 3 east bound lanes came to a stand still.  I could hear tires screeching behind me as other drivers topped the hill only to find a parking lot.  Trust me folks, you don't want to see what's under the sheet.

When we finally started moving again, the lady to my left, with her face still pressed up against the drivers' side window, her cell phone in her right ear, her mouth running, and without looking, began to move to her right.  Which was the space I currently occupied.  I laid on the horn, she looked at me like I had done something wrong, jerked the wheel back to the left, but never stopped talking.

Anyhoo, a normally 25 minute drive had taken 40 minutes.  It was already getting dark, the wind was still blowing, and it may have been 50 degrees, when I finally got to the track.  I was in such a hurry I didn't put on enough gear and ended up freezing for the whole 40 minutes I got to ride.

As I headed home the interstate was still blocked and by this time my truck was low on gas.  I tried Meridian Rd. which was backed up almost to Timberlane so I turned around, got some gas, and started up to McClay Rd.  It was then I noticed traffic had started to move on I-10 so I went around the block and back on I-10.

Another 40 minute drive that should have only taken 25 and I was finally home.  I am constantly amazed what I will go through just to ride my bike.

Dirty Spaghetti

It was fun, we sang songs, we pedaled, we ate spaghetti.  I did notice a drop in the after ride celebration.  I forgot my beer (I usually do this so I can mooch Jim's) so consumption of cold protein units was limited.  Lil Ball wasn't there this year and he can usually be counted on tilt back a few, maybe that was  it.  Maybe this crew is starting to show it's age.

Wrecking Ball and the Dirt Hippie.  I have no idea what's going on here.
Then again, maybe not.

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