Friday, August 29, 2014

Almost There

I'm in week 12 of the 12 week OMTP, the 50 mile one.  I've found this plan to be a little more entertaining than the XC race version.  Having to plan for longer rides plus the hydration and food brought an extra challenge.

So this is as good as I get?  After all the structured rides and gym time?   I was hoping for, I don't know, maybe to feel stronger?  As usual when I get to this point in the season I start to doubt myself.  I always feel like I didn't go hard enough.  Which is easy to say when you're in an air conditioned room but not so easy when it's 100 degrees and you're in your 5th hill repeat.

Sometimes I envy riders who have done this sport for years.  That type of fitness base, if kept, has it's advantages.  But I do have the luxury of never having "been fast".  I came to this sport late so my challenge is to keep it entertaining while the inevitable effects of aging creep in.

8 Hours of Labor

The Kid and I are doing the 4 hour solo at this race Sunday.  It's a 9 mile loop which drives me crazy while I hamster around and around for 4 hours.  But that's part of the challenge.  It will be a good test of my hydration and feeding as I'm planning on packing just like I'm doing a 50 mile loop.  I'm looking forward to it.  95 degrees and humid for 4 hours on a bicycle, what's not to like?


Lots of buzz in the MTB world about electric assist bikes.  Looks like some major players are lining up product.  This reminds me of how 4-wheelers were introduced onto moto trails.  What once required some skill and fitness to access all of the sudden became easy.  Fat families and people who had no business in the woods all of the sudden started showing up on their cooler equipped fat tire machines.  In short they destroyed the trails, got into places they shouldn't, and eventually got all of us kicked off of public lands.

Maybe it's not the same thing.  We've sure got it good around here as far as trails go.  I can't thank the folks that work on them enough.  I'm not sure easier access plus more people is a good thing though.

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