Friday, August 8, 2014


The sky is bluer (more blue) in Ocala than here in Tallahassee.  We seem to get more haze this time of year while down there it's just puffy white clouds.  Maybe because the Atlantic is on one side and the Gulf on the other?

But just because it's blue doesn't mean it's not just as hot.  I made the 3 hour drive to the Santos Trail Land Bridge Trail head 2 weeks ago and enjoyed the change of scenery.  It's great to be able to ride 3 hours and not repeat any trail.  The truck thermometer said 100 when I got done with the ride.  It didn't take the AC long to cool it down though and I had Neil Alday and Further South to listen to.  I hit the Moes in Alachua for my obligatory burrito and then just enjoyed the drive back.

50% Chance

Of rain on the Saturday following my Santos trip.  Dirt Hippy (DH) and I had planned a long CX ride with the hope that the rain would hold off until we got done.  So naturally as we got to the furthest point from the truck the bottom fell out.  We took pavement back which was fun in a strange way.  Once again, just something different.  By the way, it was dry where we had parked the truck, and it didn't rain again the rest of the day.

Two 4's

This past weekend the OMTP called for 4 hour rides Saturday and Sunday.  DH, Dr. S-works, The Kid, and I did a variation of the Grape Vine Loop on MTB's Saturday.  The temperature was almost pleasant for a change.  It was just a trail ride pace with a little effort on the Tom Brown single track section but it was enough to make me tired.

Sunday was the monthly Sausage Fest ride out of Bradley's Store which is 66 miles of clay and paved roads. Since most of the regular crew was vacationing or hung over we had a small turnout.  El Gato, Shankasaurous, Big Worm, The Kid, and me rolled out.  The Worm pulled the rip cord early and short cut back while the rest of us pedaled on to Boston Ga.  Once again it was a reasonable pace with only a few short efforts.  That ride is a workout regardless of how slow you go though.  So many rolling hills, combined with the rough clay just wears me out.

Anyhoo, we finished it off with sausage dogs and drinks on the front porch of the store.  As we sat under the ceiling fans there was a continuous parade of people coming and going in and out of the store.  Everybody was friendly and chatty.  Seems a beat up old wooden store, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, plus a tasty piece of pork product, just brings out the best in people.

By The Way

That 8 hours really hurt.  Even if it was mostly chill it took me 4 days to not feel tired.  I had trouble getting my hear rate into the prescribed zones and when I did I had a hard time holding it there.  It's been nice to have a light week this week.

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