Thursday, November 2, 2017

A Little Off

The Lovely Wife loves the coast, me, not so much.  But she does spend all those hot days somewhere in the southeast waiting for me to finish racing my bicycle so I guess I owe her.  As they  say, happy wife happy life.

So I have a friend who owns a condo (see above) in San Destin on the bay side.  It's a short walk to all the restaurants and shops in Baytown plus there's a shuttle to take you down to the beach.  I like not having to drive once I get there so it suits me.  No bikes involved on this trip but we'll take some next time since the shuttle was not as prompt as they said it would be.

The views from the eating establishments were great, most of the food was excellent.  All of it was pricey but you kind of expect that at this type of resort.

I am amazed by how much money there is out there in the world.  Like one of my contractors tells me: "Hell, everybody ain't broke".  Lines of million dollar boats, high end cars, not to mention what a place here costs if you buy it.  

While it was mostly deserted (the way I like it) I understand it's full of people during the summer.  Just thinking about that much of humanity converging on those 20 story condos on the beach is enough to give me the willies.

The bay side is beautiful, I'd like to go again when its not 50 degrees with a 25 mph wind.  The beach ,while covered in condos, is hard to ignore.  I imagine I could stand it a couple of times a year, but not during the summer.

Anyhoo, it was fun.  I drank and ate too much.  It took us most of the day Saturday to figure out where everything was and how to get around.  Next time we'll bring more stuff to eat and limit the restaurant time.  

It's good to have a change of scenery once in a while, it kind of hits a reset button, even though I resist it.

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